DT Global Supports Tahitian Lime Producers in Vanuatu

    A Tahitian Lime Product Group was recently established in Vanuatu with support from PHAMA Plus. Most members are smallholder lime farmers on Efate and Santo islands, looking to facilitate the development of the Tahitian limes pathway. As part of PHAMA Plus’s support, a New Zealand farmer and processor, Paul Hyslop from the New Zealand Limery in Hawkes Bay, visited Vanuatu to share his knowledge on Tahitian lime farming, processing, and current lime market information. 

    Vanuatu retail and export company, Dynamic Supply Company, also recently renewed its Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) certification. Dynamic Supply sources Tahitian limes from a network of local growers on Efate Island and exports them to New Zealand. Over the past two months, Dynamic Supply worked with local food standards and certification company Quality Solutions Pacific to review and prepare for its annual HACCP renewal audit as a way to ensure customers have high levels of confidence in its food safety and quality standards. 

    PHAMA Plus is supporting the Department of Biosecurity Vanuatu, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, VPPA, and Dynamic Supply to increase production, improve market access, and trade opportunities for Tahitian lime in Vanuatu.

    Source: https://mailchi.mp/dt-global/global-weekly-newsletter-september-7-20198904?e=fe57b56e3f